Monday, December 28, 2009

Angus Brian Quirk

The little guy finally decided to arrive! I guess the process started about 4:00am on December 23. Mindy woke up with some cramping/contractions that were more intense and quite regular, compared with the other contractions she had experrienced over the past couple of weeks. She had an appointment with her mid-wife at 10:00, so we figured it would be perfect timing to see what was going on. So, we were both a little flat, confused and disappointed when she was told that no dialation had occurred. Her advice was to go home and could stil be a few days yet and made a follow up appointment for 5 days later.

These contractions continued throughout the day, 10 minutes apart. At about 6:00 that night, we told the kids that we would let them open their Christmas presents the next morning. This way, we would be sure to be around as we had to figure things COULD happen any day now. Of course, I am guessing this was just the trigger he needed as at about 8:00, they started to get much more intense and were only about 5 minutes apart. At about 10:00 we called a friend over who had offered her services to watch the girls and we all waited together until about midnight. I then made the statement "Things are not moving any more quickly now and we could spend all night sitting here awake, only to THEN have to go to the hospital the next day in any case. Perhaps we should get some sleep as tomorrow will likely be a big day for you.". Of course the additional meaning behind these words was : "I don't know about you but I am exhausted and could use some sleep. Tomorrow will likely be a big day for me.'.

I got about 3 hours sleep, Mindy about 3 hours less than this (but at least she was resting) before she woke me to tell me that they were getting stronger. After walking around for a bit, they were now coming about 3 minutes apart and so we decided to leave for the hospital. I guess the Christmas morning for the girls will have to wait!

Nothing is every easy it seems. You would assume that driving at 5:30am on Christmas eve would mean that you would at least get a clear run through...well, about 10 minutes from the hospital, all traffic was stopped for an accident on the road. We must have waited there about 10 minutes. The good thing was that we were about the 5th car from the front so IF things had become worse, we could have easily spoken to the police to help us out. As it turned out, they cleared things quite quickly and we were on our way.

We arrived towards the end of the nurse's shift which was a good thing for us. The nurse on duty could be described in any of the following ways - surly; short; abrupt; disinterested...but I think "complete bitch" probably works best. I understand she was at the end of a 12 hour overnight shift...but there was really no excuse for her attitude and manner. We were quite glad to find her shift ending at 7:00. The replacement, Arlene, was an older lady and was amazingly nice, helpful and friendly. Soon after this, Tina the midwife arrived and examined Mindy. Progress was being made!!!

Slow progress was hard to watch - Mindy was really working hard but things were not happening particularly quickly. From 11:00 - 1:00, she was having very severe contractions and when checked again, no further dialation had occurred. Tina then gave us a couple of options. She had seen this sort of thing before and after 33 hours of contractions, pretty much said that Mindy was flat out exhausted and her body was not responding to this. We could continue to struggle but the chance of success were quite low in her view due to the length of time she had spent there already. So there were two options - a c-section, or to use pitocin in combination with an epidural to help her rest and let her body continue with the process. We tried this route figuring that the worst result would be a c-section in any it was worth a try.

Two hours of this and things were ready for pushing. Mindy was able to get a bit of rest and I fell asleep in the chair as well, despite all of the coffee I had been chugging all day. The pushing did not last too long actually, maybe 45 minutes. It is truly the most amazing thing to watch. Once you can actually see something happening it is almost over! A few particularly big pushes and there was a more push for the sholders and there is your baby! Born on December 24 at 5:22pm, 9lbs 5oz and 21 1/4" long, so not as big as Fiona but certainly a solid bloke. Mindy was in OK shape, obviously sore and tired but obviously this is to be expected. A few pictures, some video and then I had to leave to get the girls. Unfortunately, due to the swine flu, there was a "no children" visiting policy at the hospital, so they would have to wait a couple of days to see their brother.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Vacation Update 1

Things accomplished so far on my time off...

1) Throwing my back out. I think this was as a result of lifting a haevy bin of firewood but who knows. Hurts like hell though. Have been pretty much out of commission since Saturday but it is now starting to feel a little better. Mindy and I make a fine pair right now - my back and her front. Still no movement on the baby front...better be something soon.

2) Lying on the couch. This is kind of as a result of (1) but also a sought after time-off-work activity in its own right.

3) Watching movies. Nothing too exciting...saw The Matrix again and am subjecting Mindy to Ben Hur right now. She was not impressed when after 90 minutes she noticed on the DVR that there was STILL another 2.5 hours to go!

4) Sleeping. This pretty much happens whenever I lie down on a couch which as a resuilt of all of my other activities, has been a lot of the time.

Also...not that I have ever been one for fashion and have NEVER favoured form over function however today was a turning point in my life I think. I purchased two pairs of flannel pants and a pair of slippers to make my "hanging around the house" time even more comfortable. I feel like a whole world has now been opened to me. I am now in couch potato heaven. Mindy is already at the point of knowing that probably for the rest of her life, she will be seeing me in flannel pants and slippers. I think this is a vast exaggeration - like I would ever wear these in summer!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Year End "To Do" List

Finish up all work for the year - Done!
Two weeks of vacation/holiday time booked - Done!
Cricket on - Done!
New baby born - ....

Still waiting for the little fella to make an appearance. We thought something MIGHT be happening last weekend but nothing yet. He is moving a lot though, Mindy is hoping that he takes a hint that there is not that much room in there now so he may want to leave. Of course, it is absolutely freezing here now so no wonder he wants to stay in there. Hopefully the next update will bring some news!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Baby Shower

On Sunday some friends threw us a surprise baby shower. I knew that this was going on and Mindy had a few suspicions (I am not a good liar I guess) but neither of us knew the details.

All of the details were covered - cars parked away; people out of sight so we did not know who was going to be behind the door. When Mindy saw her friends, balloons, cake etc she started to I guess it was a surprise for her! Our best friends from the area were all there with their kids. A total of 12 adults and 16 kids were there so it was a full house.

Assorted games were played - drinking beer from a baby bottle; passing a baby doll around without using your hands; cutting a string as a guess about how big Mindy's belly is (winner of this game - me! I guess I had an advantage). Some finger food, a few drinks, some lovely gifts and a cake rounded off the afternoon. I think everyone had a great time, we certainly really appreciated it, particularly Mindy, who was the main "attraction" of the day. Thanks to all involved and a special thanks to Holly and Gary for pulling it together and hosting.

Today is actually the due date...still no sign of anything so the wait continues.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Turkey Time

Thursday was Thanksgiving, the best holiday of the year. I was telling Mindy about why it is so great - "I love it...nothing but the essentials. It is all about eating, drinking and football". The problem was that exactly as I was saying the word "football", she was saying the word "family". A quick addition "Oh yeah, and family" at the end did not appear to cut it.

Mindy's brother Ben with his family was coming up from Virginia on Wednesday night, getting in at around 2:00am. Fortunately, I had the cricket to keep me busy! Not much to do after this other than get them all situated and get a few hours of sleep.

Thursday morning brought some preparations for the big day. There were going to be a total of 15 people for the day - 8 adults and 7 kids - so we needed plenty of food. Ben brought up his turkey fryer so he and I took care of frying up our 19 lb turkey. Also, the 15 lb ham was in the oven and the sides were getting cooked. Mashed potatoes, stuffing, sweet potatoes and beans were all being taken care of. In addition Gary (and family) brought a pork loin while Phil brought along his Mac 'n' Cheese to share (and 4 delightfully large bottles of Belgian beer).

So...serveral bottles of beer later and after some whisky tinged egg nog and after much watching of football, things wrapped up. Quite a successful afternoon's entertainment.

Friday was our turn to be tour guide, bringing Ben Adria, Ben and Chase into New York for the day. The place was PACKED with shoppers and I think it might have been a lot for them to take in, especially with a two year old. However, I think they enjoyed the experience.

Saturday brought more beer and football, this time of the College variety. Went over to Gary's to watch Florida stomp FSU in their annual rivalry game. Always a good time.

Sunday was a beautiful day, perhaps the last one for a while. We went down to the local tennis courts with the girls and let them have a hit around. After this, Naomi and I went for a walk in the local nature centre (Fiona wanted to stay at home). A relatively early night brought closure to a relatively busy and very enjoyable weekend. Now just a few weeks until Christmas and other than a birth of a kid, nothing much else in our future!