Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Vacation Update 1

Things accomplished so far on my time off...

1) Throwing my back out. I think this was as a result of lifting a haevy bin of firewood but who knows. Hurts like hell though. Have been pretty much out of commission since Saturday but it is now starting to feel a little better. Mindy and I make a fine pair right now - my back and her front. Still no movement on the baby front...better be something soon.

2) Lying on the couch. This is kind of as a result of (1) but also a sought after time-off-work activity in its own right.

3) Watching movies. Nothing too exciting...saw The Matrix again and am subjecting Mindy to Ben Hur right now. She was not impressed when after 90 minutes she noticed on the DVR that there was STILL another 2.5 hours to go!

4) Sleeping. This pretty much happens whenever I lie down on a couch which as a resuilt of all of my other activities, has been a lot of the time.

Also...not that I have ever been one for fashion and have NEVER favoured form over function however today was a turning point in my life I think. I purchased two pairs of flannel pants and a pair of slippers to make my "hanging around the house" time even more comfortable. I feel like a whole world has now been opened to me. I am now in couch potato heaven. Mindy is already at the point of knowing that probably for the rest of her life, she will be seeing me in flannel pants and slippers. I think this is a vast exaggeration - like I would ever wear these in summer!

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