Saturday, February 7, 2009

Caramel Sweet

Late last week, we received feedback on Naomi from one of her teachers. She was asked about what she would wish for if she had 3 wishes. Her reply -
1) A hamster
2) A baby brother
3) A rabbit, we had to drop off the dogs for their checkup. The vet office is attached to the pet store and so we took a look at the hamsters and other rodents. From her reaction, she really did want one, saying that she would use her spending money to buy it and look after it herself. We figured out that with all of the associated junk you need - cage, ball, bedding, etc, etc the total cost would be around $70. We went home and checked their savings - between the two of them they had almost enough. So, we needed to tidy their room in any case and paid them for their help to put them over the top. Mindy commented that she had never seen them this enthusiastic for cleaning. I will have to take her word for it as I was in the basement uploading pictures to Facebook at the time. I guess everyone has to play their part to keep the household functioning.

So now we have a new caramel hamster, hence the name "Caramel Sweet". She is now resting in her cage so nothing much to do yet. We will see whether the girls understand what they have gotten themselves into when they have to clean the cage out.

In other great news, the Poms got bowled out for 51 in a test match. So, despite Australia's recent troubles, it is nice to know that England are doing worse!

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