Monday, February 2, 2009

San Antonio

I am in San Antonio for a work conference for the first couple of days of the week. It is really an annoying trip - fly in Sunday night for two days here...then back to NJ onTuesday and work again on Wednesday. However, to make the best of it I have tried to drink as much alcohol as possible. The basic format of the conference is based around "educaional sessions" and team meetings. In other words, drink as much as possible and hang out with friends. Tonight was particularly innane - the awards were handed out to the top consultants of the region. I attempted to drink as much Heiniken and red wine as was possible then call friends in Australia (thanks Daniel and Willow for your time). It was an hour of hearing about other consultants pretty much just doing their jobs and getting a free trip to Mexico to celebrate. I amused myself by trying to get the room to clap for completely irrelevent achievements. I managed this feat twice...along with much drinking, making the evening bearable I guess.

Tomorrow I get to go home...and then work as usual on Wednesday.

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