Monday, July 30, 2007


With time running out, Friday was seen as one of our last chances to go blueberry picking. There is a farm in southern Jersey where you can pick your own organic blueberries and it is well worth the drive. First stop is the farm store where home made blueberry muffins were devoured for breakfast. Actually, I made out as I got 1/2 of Mindy's and also 1/2 of the kids' muffins as well!

Then just as we plan to start picking the cloud cover lifts and we are exposed to baking sun for the hour or so in the field. The kids were a really big help - Naomi picked about 60 berries and Fiona about 20 (although she then dumped hers out for no apparent reason). However this, added to Mindy and my contribution led to us having about 10 lbs worth to take home. Most of them have been frozen and the rest are being quickly eaten before going bad.

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