Monday, July 2, 2007

Groundhog day

So today we stayed in and did some laundry. Yes, I have been washing our clothes in the tub and hanging them to dry on the upside down ironing board. You all didn't think David would spring for dry cleaning did you? He suggested I put the dirty clothes in the backpack and take the girls to the laundry and wash the clothes there. I can't blame him it costs 5Euro to clean a pair of underwear! My mother-in-law would be proud I had the wash done by 10am, it just takes two days to dry.

We did go to the pool and guess who showed up, the towel changer. He said hello and took off his clothes and put on his towel. He did the changing of the towel at least 3 times. Naomi did see him this time. I noticed she had seen him and started laughing. She started swimming towards me saying, "Mommy I have something to tell you!" She then told me she saw his butt. Lucky for us he did face the other direction (which was a window). She thought it was funny.

We also bumped into some familar people on the elevator tonight - the tourists that were pushing us off the tower yesterday. David had yelled at them saying, "What do you want me to do? I can't go anywhere. She'll just have to wait, she shouldn't have come up the tower then....etc." We were waiting for the elevator and when the doors opened there they were. They pushed right on past us. I think they remembered but it is hard to tell.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm thinking you'll be waking up soon, or at least the girls will! Sounds like you've had some exciting moments. I have been to the walled city, too, and can totally visualize the four of you there. Good to know towel man is a regular, maybe you can do laundry together next week!!
Love Tammi
Miss you, I haven't talked to anyone except little, tiny crazy people (oh, and my big crazy husband)