Monday, December 24, 2007

Catching Up

I am now off from work until then new year and am quite looking forward to doing nothing but hanging around the should be great! Trying to catch up on sleep since the last Australia v NZ ODI game. I think it might have answered some questions about the test side as well. Hogg showed enough that I think he has to be there for the balance of the side and so I think it has to be a choice between Johnson and Tait for the last spot. I am torn here but would probably go with Johnson to give us some more variety. We will have to see what happens but I will certainly be watching (7:00pm Christmas night!).

I spent a couple of hours on Saturday morning gathering some wooden pallets for use in our fireplace. We were drastically short of kindling and thanks to the "craigslist" website, found someone giving away free pallets and firewood. I managed to get 15 in the van at one time so after 3 trips, our back yard looks like a loading dock. They burn well so it was well worth the effort.

Saturday night saw us go to the New Jersey Humanist Network's "Humanlight" celebration. It was fun but as you would expect at an event like this, a lot of interesting people were on display. Everyone was quite nice and we had a good time. The entertainment for the evening was a juggler. I went down the front with the kids so they would see - Naomi was particularly captivated by her. A few times throughout the show she asked for audience volunteers and again, right before her finale (juggling the bowling pins) she asked for help. To my and Mindy's amazement, Naomi's hand shot straight up. Normally she is very reserved and hesitant to do things like this but up she went, performing the dance moves asked of her with only a little embarrassment. It was great to see her up there having fun.

We are now counting down the hours for Christmas. This afternoon we will be "skyping" the family back home, then spending the evening with friends eating traditional Christmas Indian curries.

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