Monday, December 10, 2007

Getting Medieval

This weekend, like most around this time of the year, was quite busy.

Friday night started with a movie - "Knocked Up". While we both felt that there were a few scenes that seemed rather awkward and unnecessary and that it could easily have been 30 minutes shorter - overall it was quite enjoyable and funny. Certainly recommended for an easy night's viewing.

Saturday involved a trip down to Delaware to visit some friends we had not seen in a long time. It was fun to catch up again and nice to see the kids have a good time playing with other kids' toys. Of most interest was the Care Bears plastic figurine set and the Scooby Doo action figures.

On Sunday afternoon we went to "Medieval Times", a themed dinner theatre show aimed at the kids. The action was a cross between a dramatic story and a medieval tournament complete with horse riding action, stunts and mock combat. The arena was divided into 6 sections for each of the 6 knights that were competing. We were sitting in the section for the Blue Knight, who won several early events and threw one of his victory flowers to Fiona in the crowd, much to the delight of the girls. However, in the final tournament, he was struck down only to have his life spared by the intervention of the princess. The Black-and-White Knight won the tournament only to be stabbed at the presentation ceremony by a traitor...good thing the Blue Knight was still around as he rode in on horseback and vanquished all of his foes! The kids were quite happy that their knight was the hero of the day. Quite a good end to a nice weekend.

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