Friday, September 5, 2008

School Days

On Thursday, Naomi began the school year at her new school - Unity Charter School. The location of the school is about 30-45 minutes from our house but we thought the benefits of the school outweighed this inconvenience. Making it more appealing, at least in the short term, is the fact that the school is around the corner from my current I will be able to bring her to school saving Mindy a trip.

She was a little nervous about everything but the day largely went well. In the evening, she was talking about her friends and the things that she had done during the hopefully it will be a good experience for her.

A surprise for us was Fiona's transition to going to school without Naomi for the first time. Mindy noticed that she really missed her sister during the day. It was good for us to know that even though they fight occasionally, they really are good buddies.

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